Tuesday 14 October 2014


In the beginning was the word 
And the word was with God  
And the word was God. 
In the Beginning God said. 
And there was. 
Everything he said came to be. 
But except man. 
Which he created from the mud. 

He then gave the gift of breath. 
The breath of life. 
The gift of words. 
And to test it man named every animal. 
He tamed every mammal with his words. 
And with his words he walked with God. 
Then the gift was polluted. 
By the forbidden fruit it was fermented. 
And to whom first did it bite? 
The Mighty LORD. 

I walk with the power of life and death. 
Not in my hand nor in my mind. 
But in my mouth. 
With every movement of my tongue 
I alter creation . 
I bring forth that which is not. 
That which might be. 
For this is the power given me. 
Given me by my Creator. 

The unspoken gift of life. 
 The life which is the word. 
The word which is of God.  
 I can do all through Christ who strengthens. 
Through the light,  
who is the life who is the word.   
Who is God. 
Therefore choose your words careful. 
Cos your words are from God. 
And thus they are part of God.


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